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behind it all meet home Susana Tavares Susana is an amazing, self-taught artist from Lisbon, Portugal. She is a perfect example of Fundamentally Female and her work will inspire and delight you!!
Art from within... and from the sky
My art comes alive from a growing and bubbling desire to express myself, from a need to playfully interact with color and to be able to have those special moments when I really get in touch with my inner world. Susana Tavares



You can find all these things  - including her art dolls! -

at her etsy shop: www.etsy.com/shop/SusanaTavares



Susana creates her mixed media illustrations with different kinds of paper, fabric and lace. She then spreads the paint, making marks, textures and doodles. Then, inspired by the background, she starts to draw!



You can see more of her work and learn more about Susana at www.ateliersusanatavares.blogspot.com.

You must check out her beautiful 2013 calendar, with each month featuring a mixed media original painting.



Her mixed media on wood painting, "4 Wonderful Women" was featured in Fundamentally Female. Many of Susana's original paintings are also reproduced as prints and postcards... you can even get her work as a cell phone or laptop cover!